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Colossal Cave Adventure - 1976年的冒险游戏鼻祖

软件大小:  78KB
授权方式:  免费软件
软件类别:  经典游戏
应用平台:  DOS
加入时间:  2010-03-13
下载浏览:  450 / 1901
开 发 商:  
软件其他:  评论投票




Please wait while I initialise.

Welcome to Adventure!!  Would you like instructions?

║Somewhere nearby is colossal cave, where others have found fortunes in║
║treasure and gold, though it is rumoured that some who enter are never║
║seen again.  Magic is said to work in the cave.  I will be your eyes  ║
║and hands.  Direct me with commands of 1 or 2 words.  I should warn   ║
║you that I look at only the first four letters of each word, so you'll║
║have to enter "NORTHEAST" as "NE" to distinguish it from "NORTH".     ║
║(Should you get stuck, type "HELP" for some general hints.  For infor-║
║mation on how to end your adventure, etc., type "INFO".)              ║
║      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     ║
║This program was originally developed by Willie Crowther.  Most of the║
║features of the current program were added by Don Woods. The current  ║
║version was done by Bob Supnik. This version was implemented on the   ║
║IBM-PC (and compatibles) by Kevin Black.                              ║
║      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     ║
║ For further information consult your scroll (READ.ME).               ║
║      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     ║
║                             *GOOD LUCK!*                             ║

You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building.
Around you is a forest.  A small stream flows out of the building and
down a gully. In the distance there is a tall gleaming white tower.

║I know of places, actions, and things.  Most of my vocabulary         ║
║describes places and is used to move you there.  To move, try words   ║
║like forest, building, dnstream, enter, east, west, north, south,     ║
║up, or down.  I know about a few special objects, like a black rod    ║
║hidden in the cave.  These objects can be manipulated using some of   ║
║the action words that I know.  Usually you will need to give both the ║
║object and action words (in either order), but sometimes I can infer  ║
║the object from the verb alone.  Some objects also imply verbs; in    ║
║particular, "INVENTORY" or "I" implies "TAKE INVENTORY", which causes ║
║me to give you a list of what you're carrying.  The objects have side ║
║effects; for instance, the rod scares the bird.  Usually people having║
║trouble moving just need to try a few more words.  Usually people     ║
║trying unsuccessfully to manipulate an object are attempting something║
║beyond their (or my!) capabilities and should try a completely        ║
║different tack.  To speed the game you can sometimes move long        ║
║distances with a single word.  For example, "BUILDING" usually gets   ║
║you to the building from anywhere above ground except when lost in the║
║forest.  Also, note that cave passages turn a lot, and that leaving a ║
║room to the north does not guarantee entering the next from the south.║
║Directions can be abbreviated as N, S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, SE, U and D. ║

You have walked up a hill, still in the forest.  The road slopes back
down the other side of the hill.  There is a building in the distance.
At the base of the tower there is a sign saying 'NO ENTRY DANGER
PARTICLES AT WORK'. All doors are firmly shut.



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